The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) is continuing to update resources related to COVID-19 and will post updated information as it is made available.
Since its inception, the Justice for Families: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program (Supervised Visitation Program) has helped more than 20,000 families by providing supervised visitation and exchange services for families experiencing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or in cases involving allegations of child sexual abuse. This website is dedicated to supporting Supervised Visitation Program grantee communities and allied professionals who are providing these important services.
Each of the six Guiding Principles will assist Supervised Visitation Program grantee communities and allied professionals with the development and administration of a supervised visitation center.
Our library is full of publications created under the Supervised Visitation Program to assist with the provision of supervised visitation and exchange services.
“Not on our watch!” Such has been our motto since we opened our doors in 2014, a mere six months after a nine year-old boy was killed by his father as part of a homicide/suicide at a nearby visitation center. Consequently, we view every visit as potentially dangerous, while striving to create a child-friendly environment for the families we serve. Hundreds of families have sought monitored exchanges or fully supervised visits at our Center since then with no indication of decreasing demand.
While safety remains job one, we also ask every parent: “What else do you need?” Facilitating access to those services through the Family Justice Center and other community partners has remained an important component of our project and has included: resources for financial empowerment, civil legal assistance and victim services. In addition, we have been working with our state-wide judicial system and the Battered Women’s Justice Project to adapt services such as “First Appearance,” parenting plan templates and alternative dispute resolution procedures to be more responsive to the needs of victim-parents.
Over the next few years, our efforts will expand to focus on developing: (1) targeted interventions for those whose stalking and other abusive behaviors arose post-separation; (2) services for victim parents who have been misidentified as the predominant aggressor and/or have lost custody of their children; (3) a state-wide network of safety-focused visitation/exchange providers (due to the relative dearth of such services currently in NH); and (4) our relationship with the local Family Justice Center as part of our continual effort to refine the role of our visitation center in promoting safety and welfare.