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Thank you for taking the Guiding Principles quiz. To read more about a specific Guiding Principle, select an item below:
Guiding Principle VI
Which one of these statements does not reflect the foundation of Guiding Principle VI: Advocacy for Children and Adult Victims?
- Be the voice of victims and children that utilize your services.
- Provide meaningful access to community resources.
- Work with domestic violence agencies to ensure safety is adequately being addressed.
- Encourage the development of post-separation advocacy services.
Guiding Principle VI
Which one of these statements does not reflect the foundation of Guiding Principle VI: Advocacy for Children and Adult Victims?
Guiding Principle V
Which one of these statements does not reflect the foundation of Guiding Principle V: Community Collaboration?
- Core partners should either participate in an existing community collaborative or develop one if none exists.
- Work within the core partnership/community collaborative to develop policies, procedures, and referral mechanisms for supervised visitation and exchange and to enhance the community’s overall response to domestic violence.
- Both A and B
- Neither A nor B
Guiding Principle IV
Which one of these statements does not reflect the foundation of Guiding Principle IV: Respectful and Fair Interaction?
- Centers must acknowledge the imbalance of power created by a batterer.
- Establish respectful interactions with all clients.
- Fairness and impartiality is the same thing.
- Provide information and support as needed and requested by clients.
Guiding Principle IV
Which one of these statements does not reflect the foundation of Guiding Principle IV: Respectful and Fair Interaction?
Guiding Principle III
Which one of these statements does not reflect the foundation of Guiding Principle III: Incorporating an Understanding of Domestic Violence into Center Services?
- Ensure staff understands issues related to domestic violence, sexual assault, child-abuse, stalking, and dating violence.
- Design services to reduce the opportunity for future violence and abuse.
- Understand that all non-custodial parents are the battering parent.
- Incorporate practices and procedures into center services that reflect an understanding of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, stalking, and dating violence.